How to write a detailed website SEO optimization plan?


Whether we are doing SEO optimization for our own website, SEO optimization for the company website, or providing SEO services to customers, I hope everyone can make a detailed SEO plan before starting the SEO work, and don’t be afraid of spending money. Time, only by working with a plan can the efficiency be greatly improve and get twice the result with half the effort. If there is not a good plan, you may spend more time organizing your ideas later.

1. Website positioning

Before building a website, the first thing we need to do is to have a clear positioning of the website, which will bring about a customer group with a relatively high conversion rate. The purpose of building our website is for marketing. Only by focusing on one thing can our website be better display. In this way, website content construction will be relatively simple.

While doing SEO optimization, we must first confirm the final SEO goal of website optimization. Only with a clear goal can we better arrange specific work.

This goal can be long-term, strategic, or short-term, but no matter whether it is short-term or long-term, our goal setting must be achievable, and do not set a goal that is simply impossible to achieve, and then Break down the goals into specific monthly, weekly, and daily stage goals.

The target group is people at all levels of society, and the application of computer networks is relatively inconsistent. To clearly define the audience for the website, if you want to promote it on the Internet, you must promote the brand, effect, and real-life word-of-mouth promotion of the disease treatment. The effect of natural optimization will be better than bidding.

2. Competitor analysis

Sun Tzu’s Art of War says: “Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles without danger.” Before starting to optimize, you must first understand the customer’s products and services, as well as study competitor websites.

The target groups and services of the website can be understand through the website or direct communication with customers. For the analysis of competitors, the following key points are also highlight:

1. Basic data: website age, collection volume, collection rate, snapshot freshness.

2. On-site optimization: TITLE design, description writing, emphasis text, paragraph titles (H1, H2 and the like), URL processing, link depth, use of Nofollow, optimization of catalog pages and content pages, etc.

3. External data: quantity and quality of external links, external links to the entire site, external links to the homepage, and brand awareness.

It is recommend that webmasters or SEO personnel can use these aspects to establish a data model, record each item in detail, and write it into the plan.


3. Target group analysis and determine website keywords

Analyze and understand the user groups and what type of target users the website belongs to. Different website properties require different target users. It is recommend that everyone do precise customer marketing and not do SEO for SEO sake.

After determining the user group, start researching and analyzing the keywords of the client’s website. The principle of selecting keywords is to be orient by the users of the website. From the user’s perspective, analyze what keywords they will use to search for the products and services of the website. At the same time, You also need to communicate with customers to determine the keywords of the website. The core keywords of the customer’s website do not necessarily have to be popular but must be accurate.

Regarding the method of analyzing keywords, it is recommended that you start from the following points:

1. Research competitor website keywords

2. Keyword mining tools: Search engine backend keyword query tool and keyword recommendation mining tool are particularly recommended here.

3. Search engine drop-down box and related searches. 4. Long-tail keyword mining on Q&A platform.

4. Develop website SEO optimization

Regarding how to formulate the SEO optimization strategy of the website, I will give you a brief introduction from the two aspects of on-site optimization and off-site optimization:

1. On-site optimization

Generally speaking, the initial website will have some unreasonable features, and the website needs to be modify according to the key points of SEO optimization. Here is a brief introduction to the following key points:

(1) Optimization of the site structure

The structure of the website should be clear and the layout should be reasonable. Reject complicated codes, large amounts of JS scripts and FLASH animations, which will affect the opening speed of the website. Column settings should be clear and easy to see, so that visitors can browse clearly.

(2) In-site links For website links and internal links, the following needs to be done:

a. Modify the dynamic station to static or pseudo-static (technical support is require)

b. Control the number of internal links in articles

c. The relevance of the linked object should be high.

d. Give relatively many links to important web pages,

e. Unify URLs, use absolute paths, and do 301 redirects.

The benefits of this are: it facilitates browsing between pages, improves search engine crawling efficiency, and the concentration of topics gives the keywords in the topic a ranking advantage.

(3) SEO detail optimization

For a professional SEO personnel, Ma Haixiang recommends that you pay more attention to some SEO optimization details (for details, please check the relevant introduction on Ma Haixiang’s blog “Some Optimization Details Most Easily Overlooked in Site SEO”), such as:

a. How to write the title, the picture is my ALT tag

b. Reasonable layout of keywords and keyword density (in titles, tags, description text), and description settings.

C. Long tail keyword record list

d. Secondary navigation, directional anchor text, and the anchor text that appears for the first time on the inner page is blackened.

e. Make the page content relevant and keep updating the content of original articles.

(4) Analyze the key points of competitors

a. Look at the internal and external links of the website, whether the external links are strong, and whether the internal link articles have good anchor texts.

b. Look at the position of the keyword in the title, whether it is on the homepage and appears repeatedly, and whether the website is working around this word.

c. Look at external links from competitors’ homepages

d. The location of keyword distribution and URL link (whether it is the main domain name or the internal page).

e. Look at the size of the website, the age of the domain name, the volume of inclusions, and the update mechanism.

(5) Add a site map and create a 404 error page

When a spider enters the website, the site map acts as a good guide. Spiders can easily enter every corner of the website. Therefore, we must establish a reasonable site map based on the needs of SEO optimization.

The other is the 404 error jump page. Regarding 301 redirect files and 404 pages, many people do not do it, and some webmasters do not do the 404 return code. These two pages are still very important, serving as a reminder.

2. Off-site optimization

For the off-site SEO optimization of the website, it is mainly through the construction of external links. The main ways are: friendly links, blog comments (messages), forum signatures (posts), question and answer platforms, encyclopedias, and classified information promotion.

Let me share with you some methods and platforms that are often use to build external links:

(1) Blog comments (leave messages) and self-built blogs – Sina, Sohu, Tianya, NetEase, Baidu Space, and Hexun.

(2) Forum signature, post with some keywords and links – industry-related forums, webmaster forums

(3) Promotion through classified information –,,,,,,, Jiujiu Information Network, City Classified Information Network, Chinese Enterprise Directory, Marco Polo, Mechanical and Electrical Network Home etc.

(4) Encyclopedia – Baidu Encyclopedia, SouSou Encyclopedia, Interactive Encyclopedia

(5) Q&A – Baidu Knows, Yahoo Knowledge Hall, Tianya Q&A, Sosou Ask, Qihoo Answers, Sina iAsk Knowledge and Tieba)

(6) Pay attention to the dissemination of brand and information (publish website soft articles and related recruitment information, etc.).

(7) Appropriately point relevant keywords to authoritative websites in the article to improve the trust of the website in search engines.

Finally, I would like to remind all webmasters or SEO optimizers that when building external links to the website, there are some things to pay special attention to, such as:

(1) If the link text contains keywords, pay attention to the diversity of keywords.

(2) Try to exchange with websites with higher relevance. The other party’s PR value is greater than your own website, and the fewer links exported by the other party, the better.

(3) Pay attention to the diversity of external link anchor texts.

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