Google Reviews Widget- Adding Google Reviews For Brand Trust 

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Before making any purchase decision, customers tend to search for online customer reviews. While reading the online reviews, the potential customers expect the source to be credible. More than 84% of customers don’t trust conventional advertising according to research by Performance Marketing World. This is where businesses need to embed Google reviews on website to instill trust in their potential customers. 

Google Reviews stands as the most trusted online review platform out of various review platforms. This is why many brands and businesses add a Google review widget to their websites. On respective websites, these review widgets will function as an operational block allowing brands to display reviews seamlessly. Read this blog to learn more about the Google review widget and why it is vital for businesses. 

What Do You Understand By A Google Reviews Widget?

For brands, Google continues to be one of the most powerful platforms to optimize. Google review widget is a functional block or a tool that allows website owners to showcase ratings from Google My Business and customer reviews directly on their websites. To display customer feedback, this widget provides an easy way and helps businesses establish trust with potential customers. 

A business must have a Google My Business account with customer reviews and ratings to use the Google reviews widget. Using the code snippet generated by Google, this review widget is then embedded on the website of the business. To match the branding style of the website, the aggregator tools allow businesses to customize the look and feel of their review widgets. This can easily change the font, layout, and color of the font so that your reviews appear visually appealing when you embed Google reviews on website

Exceptional Benefits Of Adding Google Reviews Widget On Website 

For every brand and business, building a strong online reputation is a must. For a brand and business, a Google review widget can be a game changer. Here are some of the amazing advantages a business can take when they embed Google reviews on website. 

1. Developing Credibility For Brand 

Each brand is working on different aspects to make its services and products stand out from the crowd because competition in the market is fierce. The customers play the deciding role for a business or a brand. Online Google reviews provided by customers can make or break a brand. In the market, having credibility can take a business to new heights. 

It is important to have some positive reviews to build credibility in the market because it is equally important that your customers read about them. Your prospective customers can easily read all the positive reviews by opting to embed Google review widget on website. This will eventually build credibility for your business. 

2. Lowers The bounce Rate Of The Website 

Bounce rate is the key parameter to get a better ranking on the search engines. The percentage of website visitors who go to another website just after viewing one web page is said a bounce rate. A website must have a lower bounce rate to get a better search engine ranking. 

Due to a Google review widget, customers stay on the website for a long duration and also tend to read all the reviews. This will reduce the bounce rate of the website. The bounce rate decreases when the customer spends more time on your website and it will ultimately help you in reducing the bounce rate of your website. 

3. Develop A Review Cycle 

It is vital to have more customer reviews for a brand to build a robust reputation in the online marketplace. Your website visitors can read the online customer reviews with a Google review widget and at the same time it can encourage your other customers to write more reviews for your business. 

Some reviews might be about your brand’s positive aspects, some reviews include suggestions for the products and services while some reviews are just for mentioning. You can get more reviews and it eventually generates a review cycle that enhances the online reputation of your brand. 

4. Improves SEO 

When you embed Google reviews on website, it usually improves the SEO of your website. Increasing the traffic of a website is one of the difficult tasks for business owners or marketers. One of the best ways to increase organic traffic is through local searches and to solve this puzzle, Google reviews are the perfect solution. When you provide all information to Google about your business then it helps Google to gain insight about your business. 

Final Note 

When you embed Google reviews on website, it creates a huge impact on customer’s purchasing decisions. By adding a Google review widget on your website, you not only provide them with information about your business but also save the time they spend surfing the internet for genuine customer reviews. This way you can entirely change the process of selling your products or services.

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